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/ My father this hero in Balzac Paris - Happy Father's Day
At home, we are 5 girls. No need to say " poor daddy ". This sentence so often heard during our childhood, tends to annoy us and know that the "poor dad" has offered all his life an all-inclusive service with his 5 daughters to serve him. Oh, I forgot, don't ask yourself if you'd rather have 5 girls or 5 boys! Because of one we don't choose and of two you would prefer to have 5 daughters, it's obvious in all objectivity ... All this to tell you that with us Father's Day is sacred. Chase away your frightened faces, yes it's good this Sunday, June 15th , but with my few ideas signed Balzac Paris ( as if by chance ) I think I have found the ideal gifts ( in all modesty )
To this question - How do you define your dad? You reply :
To. Intellectual – You scour the bookstore department every Christmas or other birthday and the latter always seems so delighted.
b. Affective – Crazy about your childhood poems, in which “dad” rhymed with “extra”. There is no better gift for your dear father than one made from the heart.
vs. Fan – Rocked by old idols all your childhood, your father this hero is unbeatable in Johnny, Serge and other Cloclo… You must even admit to having inherited his fan attitude.
Based on your answer, I have concocted a Made In Balzac Paris program for you, ie Made In France even Made In Paris!
Did you answer this?The literary T-shirt sticks to your father's skin. Delivered with its explanatory note, your dad, already unbeatable on the subject, will be able to tell it to himself at dinner parties, saying that no, it's not a garment but a concept...Jean-Paul & Simone, Alfred & George, Maurice & Colette , Honoré & Frances Which literary couple corresponds to your dear father?
Did you answer b? All it takes is a five-letter word and a pink heart because your father's heart deserves a kiss . Delicately embroidered on the heart by our Parisian workshops , the Balzac Paris x Mathilde Cabanas kiss t-shirt is 100% French. We call it: the French kiss !
NB: your dad is a patient man, so give him a big kiss on the cheek on D-Day and tell him that "everything comes in time to those who know how to wait". The kiss t-shirt is being made in our workshops where it is embroidered with love.Did you answer c? Pull out your dad's old vinyl records. Give yourself a moment for two where singing at the top of your lungs is the watchword. Johnny, Serge, Claude it's time for French song and ridicool. Your old father knows it, the ridicool does not kill and it is proudly that he will wear the essential hair of his idols . You thought your dad was nerdy? Ridiculously cool is more adequate.
NB: Just like our kiss t-shirt, our RIDICOOL sweatshirts are in the hands of our embroidery workshop. But your dad will know how to wait in song!In unity, we wish all dads: a beautiful and happy Father's Day.