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Leather goods
A winter breeze crosses the cobblestone streets of Paris. With it, an elegant silhouette of timeless charm takes shape: the Balzac Paris it-girl, infused with Manhattan energy, is back in the City of Light.Back in Paris for Christmas shopping, she wanders the avenues in search of carefully selected gifts. She passes through the doors of one of our Adresses, where each piece is a promise of Parisian chic and timeless elegance.
Discover the Gift Guide
The four addresses Balzac Paris - Rue du bac, d'Hauteville in Paris.
Assouline: the chic and retro Assouline bookstore
Maison Méert: The emblematic waffles from this Lille house.
Maison Méert: The emblematic waffles from this Lille house.
Assouline: the chic and retro Assouline bookstore
Assouline: the chic and retro Assouline bookstore
Paume: Take advantage of the holidays to offer or enjoy an exceptional beauty moment.
Paume: Take advantage of the holidays to offer or enjoy an exceptional beauty moment.