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Eco-responsible leather goods, trendy and ethical accessories
To support ourethical clothing, our women's ready-to-wear brand has developed a collection ofleather goodsmainly composed of eco-responsible pouches and bags. We offer yousustainable bagswhich adapt to all seasons and occasions. At work or in the evening, the selected piece, bothpractical and trendy, will accompany you in your daily or special moments. Our range consists of bags carriedover the shoulder or on the shoulderto satisfy all needs. Most of our bags can hold a wallet, phone, glasses case and a thin book.
We guarantee youeco-friendly handbagsmanufactured in a waysustainable and fairin France or in a European country with workshops promotinglocal know-howartisans. By reducing long transport of goods, we reduce ourcarbon footprintand we also participate in thelocal economy. We collaborate exclusively withcommitted partners and supplierswho share similar values to ours. We position ourselves as amission-driven companywhich has as its pillars thesustainability, L'ethicsand therespect the environment.