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/ Inspiration
/ Handcrafted jewelry manufacturing: A process at the heart of our DNA
Handcrafted jewelry manufacturing: A process at the heart of our DNA
Men and women have always worn jewelry. A true timeless accessory, jewelry allows you to perfect an outfit, attract many compliments and feel good. However, there are many types of jewelry from different types of manufacture so much so that it is very easy to get lost.At Balzac Paris, we have chosen to highlight an artisanal manufacturing process. A way of respecting a traditional heritage and a way for us to guarantee products of impeccable quality.
Handcrafted jewelry: Why produce this way?
Production is now an essential subject when it is important to offer the best possible products, whether from the point of view of product quality and manufacturing processes or even from the point of view of ecological balance and working conditions. employee work.To meet the challenges of retail and its ever more responsible approach, Balzac Paris has chosen to highlight manufacturing that is largely French or nearby (Portugal, Italy) for most of thejewelryin its collection.The stylists of our team then implement a unique know-how to offer you a range that will meet your expectations. By favoring French or nearby manufacturing, we ensure production quality and limit the carbon footprint as much as possible during the transport of the products. Simply enough to mix ecological boost and product quality!You are probably wondering what type of jewelry you can find on the Balzac Paris website? Our latest collection of handcrafted jewelry is designed to enhance your outfits. Thus, offering jewelry that matches your desires and your styles is a priority.With a certain retro touch that will recall a certain family heritage, our collection of rings, necklaces, earrings, barrettes or even bracelets is at your disposal to enhance all your looks. Why not let yourself be tempted by the Tigris Ring which, with its hand-sculpted and molded tiger head, will bring that touch of elegance and twist to your look! A truly handcrafted product with a vintage spirit.And since a necklace is never too much, let yourself be tempted by our Jonas necklace and its four-leaf clover. A unique piece made in France in gilded silver and 3 micron fine gold. A must in your jewelry box!
Balzac Paris is rooted in a responsible approach seeking more ethical fashion. We have thereforechosen to highlight new materials such asorganic cotton,TENCEL®or evenvegetable-tanned leather. In addition, most Balzac Paris products meet the various standards of theGOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), OEKO-TEX and LWG (Leather Working Group)textile labels , all of which ensure, via a set of criteria, a certain responsible product quality (compliance with safety standards, worker safety, quality of the material, non-harmfulness of the products, etc.) A very important touch to offer you irreproachable parts.As for jewellery, Balzac Paris emphasizes artisanal manufacturing in France or close to it, and also exploits“zero waste”by offering pieces made from dormant stocks in our factories. A way to give a second life to these stocks by avoiding waste, which is harmful to the planet.If you still have doubts about the benefits of artisanal production, discover our barrettes and necklaces that will enhance your outfit with a retro and chic style.Designed from our dormant stocks with a perfect sense of detail, we can offer you a delicate and planet-friendly range of jewellery. An important two-in-one to act against fast fashion that is far too harmful to the planet today.Discover now all theBalzac Paris jewelry made in the traditional way!