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The Boom must be immortalized! To do this, we couldn't miss Cheerz : )
Their values speak to us: simplicity, creativity and a continuous smile.. it reminds us of another Team; )
You must know them! Cheerz prints your photos in many formats directly from their application. Initially, they offered a polaroid format, now everything is possible: square, photo booth, large print run, box, magnet and even the simplest and fastest album to make, directly from your phone! They bring up to date the pleasure of printing, of those moments when we look at photos with family or friends while going through the pages one after the other. You won't resist making yours after returning from vacation; )
Their latest, the Cheerz Live is the hot device that will print our and your memories live during the Boom! It's fun and quality, we couldn't do without it :)
You pose, solo or with friends, we shoot, you choose your filter and presto, the photo is printed. You can also post a photo on social networks with the hashtag #laboumbalzacparis and presto, it appears, for real!
It is the tool that will remind you/us of this warm, happy evening of encounters and laughter.
See you in a few days! : )
All their information Website
And their networks (often with nice gifts/promotions ;)) FacebookInstagramTwitter