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It's the story of a forgotten key, of sincere friendships, of a large dose of creativity and enthusiasm, of ideas that flutter about... Of a girl and two boys, of a Treatise of elegant life, of a seamstress with nimble fingers... This is the story of Balzac Paris!
February 2011 the made-to-measure bow tie is our credo, we want the knot to thumb its nose at the tie at social events. Objective achieved, Balzac Paris dresses the necks of guests at the Lacoste party for the opening of the store on the Champs-Élysées. The ELLE trusts us for the anniversary of its website! We are jubilant, our dose of creativity mixed with a good dose of humor for fashionable achievements has worked.
Tailor-made, customizable, we appropriate this refined accessory to better update it . Liberty, gingham, checks, stripes... Overlay for creations made in France by Clémentine, our seamstress, without whom this adventure would not have been possible.
A man, Honoré de Balzac! Fashionable friends, you have made the connection between the name of our brand and the treatise on elegant life by Honoré de Balzac for whom " to know a man, you just have to take a look at this part of himself. that unites the head to the chest". Just that...
November 2013, I embark on the Balzac Paris adventure full time! The opportunity for the three of us to unveil our website which, we hope, will please you as much as we love it. It must be said that we were perfectly surrounded to achieve this result... Elise, Laurence from Epouse moi-cocotte , Marie , Maud, Quentin, Anthony, Grégoire, Gwendoline, Noémie, Justine who make up our adorable little team, have largely contributed to the success of this beautiful project. This site is the result of long hours of work to please you! Yes, we want you to feel at home and close to us. We want to exchange with you regularly as was the case before by email and that you give us your opinion on the products offered. Know that we have some great surprises in store for you and that we are working on developing new products. But we won't talk about it again very soon, will we?
Thank you for your enthusiasm for Balzac Paris, thank you for your encouragement, it gives us a lot of motivation so that Balzac Paris, the little rising brand, becomes big...
“ You must always do well what you do, even madness” Honoré de Balzac