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You knew her during a dress style and morphology workshop and you wanted to know more about Brune Constancia, discover her universe through this exclusive interview for the Journal de Balzac Paris.Tell us about your background, how did you create your agency?Graduated with a Master 2, I evolved in the world of art, events and communication for nearly 4 years. These experiences allowed me to realize that I had a real vocation for the artistic field and human contact. So I decided to change my life and retrain professionally.Through various searches, I came across image consulting, which seemed like a revelation to me! I thus followed a certifying training to become Personal Image Consultant and Personal Shopper.Thanks to the support of my entourage and my mentor Lyly Lemêtre, a true pioneer in Image Consulting, I created my Image Consulting agency “Brune Constancia”. I provide advice to women and men in search of personal well-being and I offer offers adapted to companies.At the same time, I also have a blog, L'œil de Brune , in which I highlight the values and benefits of Image Consulting through advice based on professional techniques.What is Image Consulting and how is it different from makeovers?Image Consulting is the enhancement of the visual capital of a person or a group in harmony with their personality, their tastes, their values and their way of life.It is a question of helping women and men to reveal their natural strengths during an entirely personalized accompaniment. This accompaniment is done through several stages of change that will take place both emotionally and physically.Image Consulting is opposed to Relooking because its objective is not to transform an individual and surf on trends but to sublimate him by projecting an image consistent with his personality. Your image belongs to you and Image Consulting allows you to harmonize your internal and external well-being.What workshops do you offer?I offer à la carte services and formulas to enhance the image of a person or a group:A colorimetric study, a morphology/silhouette diagnosis, a clothing style diagnosis, wardrobe sorting, shopping support, a visagism workshop, a communication/maintenance and posture workshop.As well as 3 types of formulas: a formula "Sublimate your style", a formula intended for "companies/events" and a formula "Complete Image Consulting".To find out more about the services and formulas, it's here .The habit does not make the monk but...It matches your personality and conveys your own identity. Your style of dress is a powerful communication tool and can thus determine your relationships with others and influence your exchanges. It reveals your image. It is borrowed from your personal history, your tastes, your influences, your environment, your way of life, your values... Respecting your style means listening to your deep harmony outside of the different trends to be able to adapt your look to each event or stage of your life. If your style is in line with your personality, your communication will be optimal and will allow you to achieve your goals.Your chic iconI don't have a particular icon, I prefer to speak in terms of style. I have always been charmed by the romantic and natural style of Laetitia Casta.If we had to keep only one fashion product in our wardrobe, which would you recommend?The important thing is to have good basics in your wardrobe. A trench, a jacket, a coat, a suit. Choose noble and quality materials for these timeless pieces.Your fashion postscriptTo face this winter, dare to wear colors because they are full of energy and emit powerful vibrations to give you vitality and help you recharge the batteries.An objectMy bottle of peppermint essential oil that accompanies me everywhere and gives me energy when I'm tired.A book“You can be anything you want to be” by Paul Arden. It is a guide “that will enable talented shy people to think the unthinkable and make the impossible possible”. A real energy booster borrowing good advice to undertake.A quote“A picture is worth a thousand words” ConfuciusAnd finally, plans for the comet?In my wildest dreams, I would like to create my clothing brand with noble and quality materials, as part of a project that corresponds to my values.