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Rolling drums and explosion of confetti to welcome the “ it shirt ” bursting with affection born of the most tender collaboration of the summer: Balzac Paris and Mathilde Cabanas . Discover Mathilde Cabanas graphic designer, atthe joyful and colorful universe with which we have joined forces to offer you or have you offered sweet illustrated kisses.
Delicately embroidered on the heart by our Parisian workshops, our kiss t-shirt is 100% French. We call it: the French kiss! The kiss must today be claimed and exhibited as the most precious of jewels! Soaked in tenderness, the Balzac Paris T-shirt can wrap the familiar torso of our friends or embrace the hearts of our gossips during their long, lonely days.
Waiting patiently for our it shirt to be online during our next pop-up sale in June. I invited myself to Mathilde's so that she could answer my questions and open the doors to her apartment that I love so much.
Mathilde, we love your colorful and joyful universe. Can you tell us about your desire to become an illustrator?I think it comes first from the family environment, my father is a painter, my brother is a graphic designer. I've always liked manual work and once I got my baccalaureate I told myself that even if it means doing something all my life, as much as I like. So I entered prep at the Atelier de Sèvres and it was quite naturally that I began to express myself with small characters.Your drawings take us back to childhood, which little girl are you still today?I love the childish universe, the colors and the spirit that it gives off. I collect mini chairs and am a fan of children's illustrations. I really think that keeping a part of childhood means keeping a part of freshness, a fun side. This allows you not to take yourself too seriously.
We are curious, what does your daily life look like?Good the word daily for me is not a word that makes many dream. But I'm lucky to have a job where the days go by but are not alike. In general I get up early, even on vacation (baby requires), I take my daughter to the crèche and then start my day. Either I work on a request for an individual (share, logo, illustrations...). Either I prepare stationery orders that I sell to shops or on my website ( Geek, are you an Instagram fan? If so, which accounts should we follow right away?Ohlala There are many! For the illustration: jean_julien, he's a brilliant graphic designer from Nantes (like me!). I love his sarcastic tone, his drawings always hit the spot. For me it really is one of the best. If not to dream that of petitepassport. Pauline Egge visits all the most stylish places in the world. When I travel and look for a cool hotel or restaurant, I go to their site.Françoise Giroud says that happiness is “doing what you want and wanting what you do”. What does this sentence mean to you?I totally agree with you my dear Francoise! I am lucky to be part of this minority of people who do what they want and want what they do and I am very happy.In the culture/jam section Victor Hugo said: “Reading is traveling, traveling is reading”. What is your favorite book?This quote fits perfectly with one of my favorite books which is Mouk's world tour by Marc Boutavant.
Rather sweet or salty?Dirty. Cheese!Your essential fashion?Vans or short overalls. And reflexes like rolling up my sleeves or showing my ankles.Fashion or victim? What connection do you have with fashion?I like having fun, being comfortable in my clothes. I don't feel any pressure to "be trendy". I know what suits me and what doesn't suit me, that's already it.
Balzac Paris x Mathilde Cabanas, tell us about this collaboration?We met through mutual friends, Balzac called on me to illustrate their first ephemeral collection, on a postcard. Then I called on them to create the boys' bow ties at my wedding. Our universes stick quite well, I love the spirit of the brand, the items are simple, of very good quality and made in France. I also manufacture all my products in France and try as much as possible to work with recycled paper. For our collaboration, this is done very simply. They had fallen in love with the kiss card and I had always imagined using “the kiss” on a piece of clothing, but had no desire to get into textiles. We simply linked our 2 universes.
What inspired you this "kiss"?I had this idea of mini cards for a long time. I love anything miniature. For my birthday a friend had drawn me a little heart on my gift package, it was so cute this baby heart in the middle (thank you Sophie). I did a test on the menu, I added the word kiss and banco! I immediately thought it was a hit. Unlike birthday or year-end cards, you can give a kiss for any time or for any reason. And I felt it, it's the card that I sell the mostA kiss for the gentleman, a kiss for the lady... How will you wear the kiss IT-Shirt and how will you get your Jules to wear it?I recently bought myself some mom jeans (you know those 90's jeans with 3km buttocks), they will go perfectly with it. Otherwise tucked into a high waisted skirt. Finally the advantage of a t-shirt (and especially a kiss t-shirt) is that it goes with everything. For my guy, I'll roll up his sleeves and the bottom of his pants and it will be perfect with vans and chinos.
Finally, what is your leitmotif?Come on, kiss!
*** Have a nice weekend everyone ^.^Chrysoline,