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What do you want a little daring for 2015? A thousand ideas go through my head, starting with the famous: happy new year, good health... However, I have chosen to reveal to you the sentence of Jerry Lewis on which I decided to meditate in 2015 : "There are two really serious things in life: birth and death. Everything else is hilarious." Far be it from me to take nothing seriously, but I like the idea of laughing my ass off and hope you do the same. A little feel good never killed anyone and being positive is still the best way to move forward.
At the time of the 2014 review, two words come to mind: joy and thank you. Joy to see Balzac Paris grow and to know that our Balzac Paris madness is rewarded by your daily encouragement. Joy to have carried out my two big projects: job and baby. And for taking time with little Garance to amaze me. Joy that after 3 years, Balzac Paris still inspires all three of us, with ever more projects. Thank you, thank you to you at the time of flourishing marketing 2.0 for choosing our clothes but also for adhering to our philosophy. Thanks to Charles for being patient and for "keeping the house". Thanks also to Gwen for being present in November. Thanks to Vic for always going for it, and for his precious help. Thanks to Clém for always ensuring and being a perfectionist even with the arrival of her two little gentlemen. Thank you to our friends, our families and to you for giving Balzac Paris the ambition to dream stronger and higher in 2015.
So, from the bottom of our hearts and in unison, we say to you: a very happy new year to all of you.Kisses, Chrysoline.