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We told you about it on Snapchat last week, part of our Team had the chance to see the documentary Les Pépites and to meet the team.
This documentary highlights the relentless and deeply altruistic work of the French couple who founded the association Pour un smile d'enfant (PSE): Christian and Marie-France des Pallières. With their children, they started a trip to many countries and it was during one of them, 25 years ago, in Cambodia, that they discovered with horror the situation of thousands of children.
“PSE began on that day in 1995 when we saw children eating from the rubbish of the Stung Meanchey landfill in Phnom-Penh, Cambodia. It was screaming! It was not possible, after seeing this, to continue to live normally. Something had to be done” (Christian des Pallières)
Les Pépites demonstrates, thanks to archive images of the couple and the many testimonies of children who have grown up, how much this association has changed their lives. Today, the landfill is closed and more than 10,000 children are trained up to higher education within this association.
This documentary moved us all. Xavier de Lauzanne, the director, and his team, have done a wonderful job to make known to everyone the experience lived by this family and all these children.
It will be released in theaters on October 5 . We hope it comes near you!
All the info on the film: the website , the Facebook page, the Kickstarter page of the film, the association's website