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I have a friend who says "sneakers are life" . She also says that pink is lifeand I have to admit I stole her expression which overflows with energy and a positive attitude. Very quickly our conversations were riddled with " that's life ": it went from tea, to Princes and other little things of our daily life. We even suspected Khaled of plagiarism but we were careful not to make it a public affair... So let's get back to our topic and in this regard: sneakers are life ... Unconditional of: good in my sneakers , I didn't wait for Karl and his parade, oh so original, to put on the famous ones. Which for some have turned into a real quest for the holy grail, just look at the enthusiasm that Stan Smith provoked with the famous fake true return of this mythical basketball! Sneaker lovers, you dream of those sold at YSL, you drool over those from ACNE and run after the NEW BALANCE and other NIKEs that make the headlines. I myself am a victim of the sneaker fashion, yet my leitmotif is: Fashion but not a victim... Here we are, with a shoe closet where Converse, Nike, Adidas, New Balance and so on live together. pass.... What will be the next ones, Balzac Paris sneakers? The future will tell !