A few months ago, a dynamic and enthusiastic little woman knocked on the door of Balzac Paris. Her name is Guila Clara Kessous and she is a UNESCO artist for peace. Her explosive journey, her energy and the noble causes for which Guila Clara struggles seduced our team and made us listen more than attentively to what she wanted to offer us. Seduced by the literary DNA of Balzac Paris and by our way of offering you to consume fashion differently, Guila Clara thought of Balzac Paris to be a partner of the 70th anniversary of UNESCO. Flattered, touched and motivated, it is therefore full of enthusiasm that we have accepted to participate in this beautiful project to put our creativity at the service of humanitarian aid.
This is how our action "Draw me happiness" was born!
In the age of positive psychology, " The happy imbecile " is on the rise. Overwhelmed, sometimes overwhelmed, modern man is eager for small pleasures that give meaning to his life. We therefore set off, accompanied by our project sponsor Guila Clara Kessous, in search of the happiness of 8 personalities who shared their vision with us and inspired us with a t-shirt which will be on sale in September on our site and at Colette in exclusivity. Charlie Winston, Laetitia Casta, Tal Ben Shahar, Thomas Dutronc, Garance Doré, Louis Chedid, Alfred Cointreau and Guila Clara Kessous therefore work alongside us for Malala and the education of young girls around the world. The profits will be donated to the association of Malala Nobel Peace Prize.
These eight visions of happiness drawn are blowing a wind of optimism on fashion and make us ask ourselves about this subjective but universal notion that is the search for happiness.

On our side, we meditated on what happiness was for us. And then, it seemed to us that happiness is other people. Violette de Gastines, hand in hand with Guila Clara, and armed with her camera, took to the streets to film “these others” and put our vision of happiness into images. Presented at the Cannes Film Festival, we are happy, a bit stressed, but so enthusiastic to present this video which was the fruit of a long work and the key to this great project which drives us and which we hope you will appreciate . .
“There is happiness in every kind of talent” H. de Balzac We wish you a beautiful day, your Balzac Paris team