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Every month, we organize an event with about thirty of our customers to be able to discuss together and go beyond the border of our screens: Les Rencontres. The next one takes place in Paris at Seize that we present to you here ! You can register on the site, we will confirm your registration by email as places are (very) limited! In February, our beautiful Lyon Meeting took place: ) That evening, no manual activity but a discussion around the theme of mompreneurs . Anne-Claire Ruel , our guest, influencer and new creator of Maison Margaret , and Chrysoline, founder of Balzac Paris, are both mothers. "How do you manage your daily life?", "How did you decide to get started?", "How do you recruit?"... There were many of you (with or without children), to have interviewed our two magician moms : ) We were also able to show the contents of our suitcases: exclusively, many prototypes on which everyone gave their opinion. We came back to the office with our heads full of ideas! Our dear Marie, photographer ( @majaphotographie ), was present to immortalize this moment. Take a look at her account and don't hesitate to contact her if you want to offer your family a little shoot for beautiful memories! Thanks again to the Lyonnaises for their warm welcome! See you soon for new encounters that are so dear to us. Register in the section Meet on the site: ) The TeamSaveSave