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/ News
/ Discover the Balzac Paris Fall 015 collection
Discover the Balzac Paris Fall 015 collection
If the prospect of unpacking your bags does not delight you, know that at Balzac Paris we have done everything to make your return to school easier. Discover our Fall 015 collection , which will be enhanced with new items from October. Théodora makes the summer last: white, English embroidery, she plays the ideal blouse for the Indian summer. What can we say about Sagan, except that it comes in two new timeless colours, navy and black, and has some surprises in store for you this winter - patience - You told us about your desires for Marius: he becomes a basic at Balzac Paris! Violette, Jeanne, Arsène ... soft colors, beautiful materials, cuts to be mixed to infinity, all thought out with care and creativity.
On these few notes, I let you discover these novelties and give you an appointment on September 6th! **Be sure to subscribe to our little newsletter to find out the opening time of your Balzac Paris Fall 015 saleAnd then nothing to do, but we wanted to tell you: we missed you this summer!Happy back to school everyone, Chrysoline