Your chic icon? Meryl Streep in Out of Africa. Your fashion postscript? The Brazilian swimsuit , even on French beaches. An object ? My mirrorless camera that follows me everywhere I travel. A book ? The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. A book that touched me a lot when I needed it. A quote ? “Impose your chance, squeeze your happiness and go to your risk. They'll get used to looking at you. Rene Char. Quoted by my father when I went to Brazil to train in yoga.
Schedules adjusted for June - July: Monday: 8 p.m. - dynamic yoga Tuesday: 7 p.m. - gentle and relaxing yoga Wednesday: 8:15 a.m. - energizing yoga Other time slots to come and specific well-being, yoga, lifestyle workshops at the start of the school year! To register , 3 possibilities: - on Instagram by commenting on the posts concerned - by email hortense@atelierlacanopee.com - by text at 07 82 73 97 00