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/ News
/ Holidays and surprises continue with Balzac Paris!
Holidays and surprises continue with Balzac Paris!
Already back from vacation or still not gone? In order to give you all a smile and respond to the success of our pretty shopping bags, we offer it to you for any order placed between today and until the end of the month (August 31 included)!
One more reason to take advantage of the Le Parfum du bonheur collection and the New Products and Favorites for July before these products give way to the start of the school year: ) All you have to do is add the code "lesvacancescontinuent" to your basket , happy? ; ) It exists in three versions, with Louise 's ethnic print and with Candide 's flowers in pink or yellow (as below). A preference ? Leave a little comment when ordering and we will do our best to satisfy you! From the beach to marathon days, for weekend departures and race returns, according to your feedback, they follow you everywhere and we are really happy about it! Can we find you on the e-shop ? Very soon you will discover the new face of our site, we can't wait! Remember to subscribe to our Little Letter to not miss any good news; ) Have a nice weekend everyone, Your Balzac Paris Team