What brought you to Balzac Paris?
Victorian - A lost key! Chryso slammed the door one evening, Charles didn't live far away, so we went to his house and that evening the Balzac idea was born! Charles - The desire to undertake. I've always had a great admiration for people who take risks, who go after their dreams. I would have regretted all my life not having started, I did it young, so much the better.
You have a taste for entrepreneurship, what advice would you give to someone who wants to throw themselves into the adventure? Victorien - Making mistakes… Once! In my opinion, you learn a lot from your mistakes. I think it's important to remember each of them so that you don't do them again. Charles - If the person feels like it, they have to take the plunge. The most important thing is to be determined, the idea is of course essential but it evolves a lot over time. Getting started allows you to meet people, modify and adjust your project.Victorien, you are married to Chrysoline and you, Charles, are friends with the couple and the boyfriend of Chrysoline's sister. How do we work as a "family"?Victorien - Points+ you know who you have in front of you and how it works. A priori, we must be able to tell each other everything! Points- if I no longer get along with my partners: I lose my wife and my friend! What more can be said!? Charles - Points+ We know each other very well, we know each other's qualities and "some" faults. I trust them completely and what could be nicer than to love the people you work with. We are not afraid to say things face to face. I would love to share my success with friends. Points- I hope we can still put up with each other after spending so much time together, but that doesn't scare me at all. Many say it's dangerous to work with family or friends, that doesn't scare me, you have to know how to separate things.
How would you describe Balzac Paris? What are your projects ?Victorien - Our projects: event sales and a brand with a particular interface: internet but very personalized. I sincerely believe that our newspaper and social networks will allow us to convey the spirit and the genetic code of Balzac. Charles and I are in my opinion there to structure and organize the many ideas of Chryso. Charles - Balzac Paris is a young French fashion brand that aims to break the codes by offering limited series of clothes during appointments on the web. We want to start by making a sale every two months and in the medium term make one every month by offering more and more models but not necessarily in large quantities: QUALITY NOT QUANTITY.
Generation 2.0 or even 3.0, would you qualify as a Geek? Victorian - Geek? Yes ! but only the bad sides (video games, game of thrones type novel…) Otherwise in front of a computer, I don't code or very little but I have a blast with somewhat complicated Excel formulas! #geekfrustrated? Charles - I would like to be, with Balzac I am progressing. At first I was delighted to know how to add a product to the e-shop or insert photos, now I surf the forums to make manipulations: I'm on the right track!A movie ? Victorian - The Godfather. My nickname is Mac. And I like to be called "boss" (only my nephews and nieces agree to call me that). I also really liked scarface and the lion king (sik) Charles - "Prisoners" by David Villeneuve (no sensitive soul). I can't wait to discover: The grand hotel Budapest.
A book ? Victorian - Books!!! Harry potter, Game of thrones, Christian Jacq, Ken Follet. I really like the fantasy universe and I read everywhere! I don't always assume this geek side and I sometimes hide the cover of my books! Charles - Not very original but I loved: The truth about the Harry Quebert affair.
A restaurant ? Victorien - L e Chateaubriand (paris 8... Not starred!) It's a bistro in the 8th arrondissement where the meat is top notch and the atmosphere super relaxed. Charles - In Paris: Caillebote, in the 9th: run there with your eyes closed, a delight. Otherwise, il Latini in Florence, typical Italian dishes. I am very greedy!A city in France? Victorien - Mouvaux (I am a chauvinist). I am a Chti and proud of it! If we could consider the North other than by the Chtis in mykonos or by tuning programs, I would be delighted! Charles - There are so many: Lille because I come from there, I love going back there. Aix-en-Provence for all its terraces and fountains. And Paris for all that there is to see and what it represents. So actually, that's three.A brand ?It is forbidden to say Balzac!Victorien - Bompard: it's not very fun, but it's the only brand where I'm able to buy something alone without my wife's advice. Charles - Jaeger Lecoultre, I love watches. A brand like Repetto fascinates me. I find that bringing a brand to life around a single product is completely crazy: a hat.You and fashion make 2? Victorian - I don't know! for my wife I am an ace of spades, for my sisters a metrosexual. In my opinion, I'm rather stylish Charles - Let's say I'm not a fashion victim, I'm a little too classic, but my girlfriend gave me a Teddy recently, so you could say that I'm almost fashionable. But I love this universe.
What dream for Balzac? And for you ? Victorian - empowering us to achieve our goals. It's important to push things to the limit! Afterwards, come what may // Be comfortable in my sneakers and upright in my boots! Charles - That Balzac Paris be recognized as a brand making quality products, continue to manufacture in France. // I dream of a life full of different projects, not being bored for a second and many more classic things…Your cute sin? Victorian - my wife (she interviews me). Charles - Oysters: I love them!And finally to finish, what makes you indispensable at Balzac Paris? Victorien - Spontaneously I would say my support and my "challenging" aspect. And anyway I am president! Charles - The desire to break everything with Balzac Paris, I want everything to go faster. *** Thanks guys for playing the ITW game with me! Chrysoline,
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