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Bel Ami Balzac Paris blouse - Vintage denim overalls
For a long time our home was the Balzac Paris offices, then Balzac Paris became big and we settled in "our offices" at 40 rue du faubourg Montmartre in the 9th arrondissement . I was able to receive Anne-Sophie from Inside Closet and open the doors of our apartment to her. Follower of her blog, it is Éléonore who works with us who made me discover it. I'm crazy about the interiors we discover on Inside Closet. Filled with good ideas, I was afraid of not being up to it... Your comments reassure me ^.^ With Anne-Sophie, the current immediately passed: this dynamic and smiling new blogger promises to wreak havoc. In these three sections, I was able to wear the clothes from our ephemeral collection currently on sale on our site. Needless to say that I am delighted to make you discover these pieces at home and worn as I like them. So, thank you Anne-Sophie for taking the time to spend some time with me, I wish you much success for the future but I have no doubt about it! To all of you, I hope you will like my universe and that we will have the opportunity to discuss our new collection very soon. As you know, I am here to answer you.
Candide dress Balzac Paris powder pink - Boots Isabel Marrant
Literary sweatshirt Balzac paris mottled gray navy blue embroidery exists in powder pink on the site - Zara skirt - New Balance sneakers
Dom Juan suspender trousers worn in beige, available in powder pink on the website - Petit Bateau T-shirt - Clogs