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We see each other very little so when we see each other, we are keen to pamper you!
To help us, we call on a walking smile, a network of expert hands, a wonderful entrepreneur, we named Sophie from The Reporthair . During the Boom , one of her hairdressers will give you, in 15 minutes flat, such a pretty hairstyle that you will never want to go to bed after the evening; )
Sophie met Chrysoline in 2015, maybe you had already taken a look at this little interview ? : ) She tells him about the beginnings of Balzac Paris, her life as an entrepreneur and young mother and they obviously talked about hair. It was an ultra inspiring encounter and the photos from this shoot were among their favorites! Since then, Chrysoline has only called on The Reporthair!
Like a great food critic, Sophie anonymously tested confidential hairdressing salons then distributed one of the best addresses unearthed each month in a newsletter. Little by little, she meets passionate and exciting professionals! She discovers all the dimension of advice, fashion and the very special relationship that you can build with your hairdresser when you have found the right one.
His sister-in-law Marie joined him in the adventure and they created the online magazine together. Finally, they are developing a matchmaking service. No longer with salons but with live hairdressers, ready to come to your home from Monday to Sunday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Thus, you remain calm and someone comes to you who advises you and tries to understand you to meet your expectations, your desires, your needs.
Do you recognize this pretty shirt? ; ) Yes, Ulysse accompanied the last shoot of The Reporthair team for the launch of their brand new website. It's here to make an appointment!