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Ready to wear
Shirts and blouses Sweaters and cardigans T-shirts and bodysuits Jackets and coats Dresses and skirts Sweatshirts Robes Pants Jeans Costumes and sets Combinations Maillots de bain Loungewear Men All clothesAccessories
Gloves and beanies Scarves and wraps Jewelry Scrunchies Belts Socks Smartphone accessories Gift pouches All accessoriesNos Adresses
Le Marais - Rue Malher - 4e L'adresse - Rue du Bac - 7e L'adresse - Rue D'hauteville - 10e Galeries Lafayette - Paris 9e Toulouse - Pl. du Président Thomas Wilson Galeries Lafayette - Annecy Bongénie - GenèveOur engagements
The TPR project Mission report Avis de vérification Carbon footprint BCorp MatériauthèqueSuggestions
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The fashion industry is constantly renewing itself in order to meet the need to dress in a sustainable and responsible way. Having the ambition to increasingly reduce itssocietal and environmental impact, Balzac Paris is committed to designing ethical and eco-responsible women's clothing where people and the environment prevail.
Through our collection of ethical skirts, our brand promises to respect thethree pillarswhich define us as a company with a mission, namely thesustainability, L'ethicsand therespect the environment.
Designed in our workshop in Paris, our ethical skirts were designed in audited workshops fromecological materialssuch as linen, hemp, organic cotton, tencel or wool. We ensure that we adopt aethical and eco-responsible approachduring each stage of the garment's life, from its design to its distribution.