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The Boum Balzac Paris #4 is in three days! Our Team is waiting for you on the rooftop of the Terrass' 'Hôtel this Thursday, June 15 from 6:30 p.m.
And here are the workshops you can attend:
The first 200 arrivals will receive a tote bag in which will be slipped goodies and gold coupons. Our Team and our coolabs of the evening spoil you more than ever!
Balzac Paris 100€ gift cards
Terrace ' ' Hotel Dinner + night for two
Racine Paris Bouquet deliveries
Yuzuka Massages afterwork
Oh My Cream Care Sets
Manucurist Nail Polish Sets
Prescription Lab 2-month box subscriptions and Collector box contest with the most beautiful photo #laboumbalzacparis
The Capsoul Tea sets
The evening will also be punctuated by artists that we love very much and not to be missed under any circumstances!
To take full advantage of the evening, the Terrass' Hôtel has concocted a food & drink menu exclusively for the occasion, in addition to their usual menu!
For you & us, they have created a new cocktail and offer 3 cocktails at a lower price: )
In addition to the gold coupons slipped into some tote bags, we are launching a contest on the evening of the Boom to win you 10 Collector boxes signed Prescription Lab!
How to proceed :
On Instagram, under the #LaBoumBalzacParis by mentioning @PrescriptionLab_fr and @Balzacparis, you will take the most beautiful photo of the evening on Instagram and the next day we will reveal our 10 favorites which will have the chance to win THE box of the moment: )
You can post several photos and your account must be public from June 15th to 16th included.
We will contact the winners via Instagram.
We can't hold our tongues, what do you want..!
The principle had you a lot more last year, so you can take your photos with our faithful sidekick, Cheerz and their photo booth, Cheerz Live!
This year, there can be no more beautiful background than that of the Terrass''Hôtel, so you will leave with your pretty portraits printed on pola.
Seats are highly coveted on the terrace and its limited space , many of you have registered, so you will have to be patient before you can access the evening.
Registering on our Rendez-vous page is essential, We have closed registrations for the Boum.