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Back from vacation, need to rediscover the flavors of the sun and the sea? Follow us !Team Balzac Paris has tested it for you and it's happening at 11 rue des Martyrs. Pelops Keramicais a Greek caterer offering an incredible selection of fresh products, each tastier than the next.Traditional, authentic and family atmosphere, the Team has fallen for their classics: Greek salad, moussaka or meatballs or vegetarian. Also taste all their appetizer specialties (our favourites: tarama salmon dill & crushed dried tomatoes), a delight!For the Team, this is a great address to pick up fresh and healthy things for lunch or for aperitifs after leaving the office;) Know that they can also offer a catering service.
This caterer will take you to Greece for a total change of scenery, don't hesitate to stop by!
Pelops Keramica - 11 rue des Martyrs, Paris 9th, Tel. 01 42 81 55 42Two other shops in Paris: 5 rue Daguerre, Paris 14th, Tel. 01 43 20 59 84 & 44 rue des Abbesses, Paris 18th, Tel. 01 53 28 26 69.